We bought one automatic Coffee Maker. They are the best combinations of the coffee maker and coffee beans that we brought from Taiwan. 買了一台全自動咖啡機 再配上我們從台灣帶來的咖啡豆 簡直是絕配!
Yesterday we saw the model of HTC TOUCH PRO 2. We liked it very much,but its price in Philippines is more expensive than one in Taiwan about 10000NTD. Recently we are also expecting the HTC TOUCH PRO 2 on the market early. PS. We…
真是太強了! SonyEricsson、HTC、Samsung、Nokia靠邊閃吧。 同樣是語音辨識控制 看看IPHONE 3G S怎的做到的! 語音辨識控制已經在一般手機上使用好幾年了, 但是APPLE做出來的就是不同凡響。 It is too awesome! SonyEricsson, HTC, Samsung, and Nokia are out. Look! How can IPOHNE 3GS does this well in the fu…
在國外點菜的菜單上 As writing the quantity in foreign menu, 寫數量時請不要用正字 Please don't use in Chinese character "正". 應該使用阿拉伯數字 You should use Arabic Numerals to write it.
以下是個人經驗 As my opinion HTC Daimond - Windows Mobile 6.1 System is Stable. There are many free softwares in this one. Even if those are trial version, sometime they become free. 穩定好用,很多實用的程式都是免費的。 即使要費用,也會變成免費。 NOKIA E63 - Symbian …
我們最近看上了小筆電 真的好著迷, 目前我們的筆電最大的問題就是待機時間太短了 只有上網作業而已 待機時間不到兩個小時 因為朋友的大力推薦 我們打算鎖定ASUS系列 就是這台啦! ASUS 1101HA We fell in love with netbooks. As far as I know, we have one big program that the standby time of our laptop is too short. The …
I changed my position during the months. This time I felt the challenging is bigger than ever, because I never did someting except IT. I am glad of the experience.
This was one happy weekend. Everyone who I met in PTT is one nice guy. We enjoyed American Foods in the Chiji Resturant in Manila. We also drank some beer and celebrated James' Birthday. After them we got one lounge near St…
After 1 busy week we and our friends went to one massage store in Quezon City. The store is different with others we have ever visited. First we got the service that massagers washed our foot. Their massage therapy may achieve …
外國學生在菲律賓需要申請 i-card 做身分識別證, 這是提供申請i-card的菲律賓移民局辦公試。 One foreign student must apply i-card as ID in the country. This is one older office of bureau of immigration in Philippines. the i-card printing schedule i-card的列印時間