Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year byDavid Chiang •12:43 上午 This is my first Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year overseas.
Nokia Symbian s60 手機規格CPU/RAM落後的八卦 byDavid Chiang •2:43 下午 Apple Iphone 3GS、Nokia n900、Samsung i8910、Motorola Milestone 以上都是目前各家的旗艦機 都是用TI OMAP3430的架構! (英雄所見略同?) 硬體大家都差不多、 但表現出來的水準卻有相當大的差距 如順暢度、反應速度、遊戲3D精緻度 原來差別是在於系統 詳見下文 來源:http://bible.younet.com/files/2009/09/04/407561.shtml 曾經的S60是為了…
Remove Mei-Mei's uterus and ovaries [Spay]拿掉妹妹的子宮和卵巢 byDavid Chiang •12:29 下午 We went to Tiendesitas for looking for a good veterinarian who can spay Mei-Mei. Here were very awesome. It is like Leofoo village(六福村) in Taiwan. We enjoyed cheap Coffee and saw some Chow-Chow dogs enjoying the shower Mei-Mei o…
用手機上BBS Connect to telnet://PTT.cc on my HTC Touch Pro 2 byDavid Chiang •12:08 下午 用我的手機HTC Touch Pro 2上 ptt.cc Open Token2Shell Mobile Reference: http://forum.5imobile.tw/showthread.php?p=41864