due to an Android bug Let's Encrypt certificates do not work for DNS-over-TLS anymore.
因為頒發了20億張SSL 憑證的 Let’s Encrypt,其根證書 the IdentTrust DST Root CA X3 於 2021/09/30到期
Android 設備有Bug 不支援新的 Let's Encrypt 根憑證
故你自營的 Adguard home DOT TLS 在9/30之後 ,Android 都不通了
官方Github 有網友提出有幾套解決方法
- Specify the
--preferred-chain="ISRG Root X1"
argument for certbot. - If you use lego, you can also specifiy
. - You can use ZeroSSL instead of Let's Encrypt.
- The helper script for lego was updated to support both ZeroSSL and
我用了 3. ZeroSSL 去取代了 Let's Encrypt
故現在私有DNS dns.david888.com