The series of articles are about different prices in Taiwan and Manila.
All think prices of Manila, Philippines are lower than those of Taiwan. However, we found lots of exceptions.
First, it is copy papers (Printer Paper, Computer Paper, and Copier Paper.)

In Taiwan, we usually use only one specification of copy papers. It is A4 (210X297mm.)
In Philippines, there are three specifications of copy papers: NA4 (Letter), A4, and Legal. NA4 is shorter than A4. Legal size is longer than A4.
I don’t know why a package paper of 500 sheets in Manila is more expensive than one in Taiwan.
Double A 80 GSM. 500 Sheets
In Manila: 230~250Piso, about 161~175NTD.
In Taiwan: 125~139Piso, about 89~99NTD.
It is a big different price.
We knew it, so this time we move one box of A4 from COSTCO in Taiwan to home in Manila.

但在菲律賓販售的則有三種: NA4(Letter),A4,及Legal。NA4比A4短,Legal比A4長。
菲律賓Double A 80磅500張A4 售價約230~250披索,折合台幣約161~175元。
而台灣Double A 80磅500張A4 售價是89~99元不等,折合為125~139披索。
All think prices of Manila, Philippines are lower than those of Taiwan. However, we found lots of exceptions.
First, it is copy papers (Printer Paper, Computer Paper, and Copier Paper.)
In Taiwan, we usually use only one specification of copy papers. It is A4 (210X297mm.)
In Philippines, there are three specifications of copy papers: NA4 (Letter), A4, and Legal. NA4 is shorter than A4. Legal size is longer than A4.
I don’t know why a package paper of 500 sheets in Manila is more expensive than one in Taiwan.
Double A 80 GSM. 500 Sheets
In Manila: 230~250Piso, about 161~175NTD.
In Taiwan: 125~139Piso, about 89~99NTD.
It is a big different price.
We knew it, so this time we move one box of A4 from COSTCO in Taiwan to home in Manila.
但在菲律賓販售的則有三種: NA4(Letter),A4,及Legal。NA4比A4短,Legal比A4長。
菲律賓Double A 80磅500張A4 售價約230~250披索,折合台幣約161~175元。
而台灣Double A 80磅500張A4 售價是89~99元不等,折合為125~139披索。