The next day after mei-mei cat came home we took her to Animal House.
I regretted that and felt bad.
The assistant was so rush and rough. He took the temperature of her heavily and scared her to loose bowels. The veterinarian was too young to find out the point.
We paid for it about 2000 Piso and got only those including of a antibiotic medicine, Ear cleanser medicine(for Otodectes cynotis or ear mites), cat litter and litter odors.

The next morning, my friend convinced us to Macapagal.
The veterinarian in Macapagal told me that she had no ear mites and didn't loose bowels. The veterinarian did a check-up for mei-mei cat and clean her ears and debug from her skin.
Only charge for 350 Piso.

It is said by my friend that they gave her first dog treatment, but her dog finally dead from their treatment.
我們馬上帶她去看animal house獸醫。
助理動作超級粗魯,他將溫度計狠狠的插入妹妹貓的肛門導致她嚇到拉肚子。醫生也太過年輕而經驗不足未看出該注意的重點,這樣看病完下來竟然花了我們快兩千菲幣,僅買了消炎藥、清耳疥蟲的藥、還有一些貓咪用品: 貓砂、貓砂香劑。


據朋友說,Animal house曾醫死他的第一隻狗狗..且還是在makati的那個分院。
I regretted that and felt bad.
The assistant was so rush and rough. He took the temperature of her heavily and scared her to loose bowels. The veterinarian was too young to find out the point.
We paid for it about 2000 Piso and got only those including of a antibiotic medicine, Ear cleanser medicine(for Otodectes cynotis or ear mites), cat litter and litter odors.
The next morning, my friend convinced us to Macapagal.
The veterinarian in Macapagal told me that she had no ear mites and didn't loose bowels. The veterinarian did a check-up for mei-mei cat and clean her ears and debug from her skin.
Only charge for 350 Piso.
It is said by my friend that they gave her first dog treatment, but her dog finally dead from their treatment.
我們馬上帶她去看animal house獸醫。
助理動作超級粗魯,他將溫度計狠狠的插入妹妹貓的肛門導致她嚇到拉肚子。醫生也太過年輕而經驗不足未看出該注意的重點,這樣看病完下來竟然花了我們快兩千菲幣,僅買了消炎藥、清耳疥蟲的藥、還有一些貓咪用品: 貓砂、貓砂香劑。
據朋友說,Animal house曾醫死他的第一隻狗狗..且還是在makati的那個分院。