Last year, we heared the place, Greenhills, in where we could see many fake goods, like Crocs shoes, cheap knockoffs of almost every kind of high quality watch and famous brand bags.
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到目前為止,我們買過了 Crocs鞋、珍珠、手機。
By now, we have bought the Crocs shoes,pearls and one cellphone.

Nokia E63剛買回來是英文介面,不支援中文顯示。這會帶給我女朋友許多困擾,通訊錄上的朋友清單都是中文。
Nokia E63 that we bought was English version and didn't support Chinese Charaters. The Problem will bring some puzzle to my girlfriend, because her friends lists are almost written with Chinese.
還好可以靠著刷機解決這問題,靠著網路上的資料,我將Nokia E63從菲律賓版刷成新加坡版本,讓它支援中文。
Fortunately, it can be solved by flash the ROM. I flashed the Nokia E63 from Philippines Version to Singapore Version and let it support Chinese.
APAC product codes for E63:
0575097: Cambodia
0569947: New Zealand
0568939: RM-437 CTR APAC-U Ultramarine 0568939: RM-437 CTR APAC-U Ultramarine
0568936: Singapore
0568937: Indonesia
0568941: Bangladesh
0568940: RM-437 CTR APAC-S Ultramarine 0568940: RM-437 CTR APAC-S Ultramarine
0569945: Bangladesh
0568944: Philippines
0568943: New Zealand
0572514: India
0569948: Philippines
0568942: Australia
0569944: Malaysia
0572527: India
0569946: Australia
0575098: Cambodia
0569941: Singapore
0569942: Indonesia
0569943: RM-437 CTR APAC-U Ruby 0569943: RM-437 CTR APAC-U Ruby