Internet Wireless: SUN 3.5G HSDPA

I wouldn't have any plan of applying Internet Service on the first month.

Because we live in the building over 20th floor, we put our Laptops beside the window and we can detect those signals of WI-FI that are no locked.

After a few time, we know that living under other root is not a good plan.
When we need to use Internet urgently, we often found no any signal.
We have slowly a idea to apply the Internet in Manila.

First, we would like to apply DSL, but it is hard to know how a beautiful buildings have old the PBX instructures. Second, we considered TV CABLE, but we gave up the idea after refering to the experience of our friend that they surf the Internet slowly and unstabily .

Finally, we go to find the way of wireless Internet.

There are three ISPs of wireless internet that are also Telecom operators.(2009 Mar~Jun)

the monthly fee and the internet speed:
Globe: 1Mbps, 995p/mon
Smart: 324Kbps, 999p/mon
Sun: 2Mbps, 799p/mon

SUN is the youngest Company of three that live for 5 years.
We choice SUN because they can install the Internet for us instantly and didn't let us waiting for a few days. One SUN agent came home with us to test the ok signal and we paid the first monthly fee to him. It was easy to finish the process of apply Internet.

after months, we know it is the cheapest choice and use the most advanced technolgy, 3.5G. Other two companys, Globe and Smart provide only 3G, and it is slower speed.





最後,我們朝Wireless Internet的解決方案下手。

目前菲律賓有三間Wireless Internet的ISP服務商,這也是目前菲律賓的三間電信公司。(2009 Mar~Jun)

Globe 號稱1Mbps 價格995p/mon
Smart Bro 稱324Kbps 價格999p/mon
Sun 號稱 2Mbps 價格 799p/


後來我們自己才發現SUN不但是月租費最便宜,且使用的Wireless技術也是這三家中最先進的3.5G。另外兩家公司Globe和Smart都還停留在 3G的慢速度上。


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