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  • 誰是利益相關者?
  • 客戶或顧客的目標是什麼?
  • 該項目的目的和使命是什麼?
  • 團隊的可衡量目標是什麼?
  • 該項目試圖改進什麼? 
  • 這個項目需要什麼時候完成? 
  • 項目需要哪些技能和資源? 
  • 該項目將花費多少?有什麼好處?



  • 制定詳細的項目計劃。主要的里程碑是什麼?每個里程碑由哪些任務或可交付成果構成?  
  • 制定時間表,以便您可以正確管理資源、預算、材料和時間表。在這裡,您將創建分項預算。



  • 在您的項目團隊完成項目任務時對其進行監控。 
  • 打破任何會減慢或阻止團隊完成任務的障礙。 
  • 幫助團隊了解日程安排和可交付成果的期望。
  • 解決流程中的弱點或檢查您的團隊可能需要額外培訓以滿足項目目標的地方。
  • 適應項目中出現的變化。



  • 確定您的團隊已完成所有要求的結果。 
  • 釋放您的團隊,以便他們可以支持公司內的其他項目。
  • 花點時間與您的團隊一起慶祝您的成功!
  • 傳遞所有剩餘的可交付成果並獲得利益相關者的批准。
  • 記錄您和您的團隊在項目中學到的經驗教訓。
  • 思考未來改進的方法。

The project life cycle

Initiate the project

In this phase, ask questions to help set the foundation for the project, such as:

  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • What are the client’s or customer’s goals?
  • What is the purpose and mission of the project?
  • What are the measurable objectives for the team?
  • What is the project trying to improve? 
  • When does this project need to be completed? 
  • What skills and resources will the project require? 
  • What will the project cost? What are the benefits?

Make a plan

In this phase, make a plan to get your project from start to finish. 

  • Create a detailed project plan. What are the major milestones? What tasks or deliverables make up each milestone?  
  • Build out the schedule so you can properly manage the resources, budget, materials, and timeline. Here, you will create an itemized budget.

Execute the project

In this phase, put all of your hard work from the first two phases into action.

  • Monitor your project team as they complete project tasks. 
  • Break down any barriers that would slow or stop the team from completing tasks. 
  • Help keep the team aware of schedule and deliverable expectations.
  • Address weaknesses in your process or examine places where your team may need additional training to meet the project’s goals.
  • Adapt to changes in the project as they arise.

Close the project

In this phase, close out the project.

  • Identify that your team has completed all of the requested outcomes. 
  • Release your team so they can support other projects within the company.
  • Take time with your team to celebrate your successes!
  • Pass off all remaining deliverables and get stakeholder approval.
  • Document the lessons you and your team learned during the project.
  • Reflect on ways to improve in the future.

Key takeaway

Each phase of the project life cycle has its own significance and reason for existing. By following the project life cycle, you’re ensuring that you are:

  • Capturing the expectations of your customer
  • Setting your project up for success with a plan
  • Executing project tasks and addressing any issues that arise
  • Closing out your project to capture any lessons learned.

As you continue through this course, we will walk through each project phase in more detail.

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